Dinners for Dad image

Dinners for Dad

Let's Make Father's Day Even MORE Special This Year!

$364 raised

$5,000 goal

Choose your own amount

/ 150


Honoring ALL Dads This Year

Most of us look forward to seeing our dad on Father’s Day. We light up the barbecue and gather the family around to celebrate. Unfortunately, many senior dads in our area will not experience a Father’s Day full of family celebrations.

As dads look forward to hugging their loved ones and enjoying a Father’s Day meal together, some may be alone, homebound, and isolated, waiting patiently for a volunteer to arrive with a smile and a nutritious meal. These are the dads who rely on Mobile Meals of Toledo.

Can they rely on you, too?

This year, please help us honor ALL Fathers -- those in our lives, those in our hearts, and those in our community.